The Keys To Social Media Success: Listening and Responding
Does your company or organization want to know what customers and prospects think of its brand, service or product? Of course they do. In the business world, focus groups and surveys are valuable tools to evaluate consumer thoughts. But why not just go where the customers and prospects are and listen to their honest feedback? Social media platforms are where a majority of consumers are talking and sharing their likes, dislikes, buying habits and brand values.
Social media offers a great platform to hear exactly what customers and prospects want and give you a quick way to gain market insights. We encourage clients to listen before they join social media to:
- Find out what your customers and prospects want and need
- Find out what customers and prospects are saying about your company or organization/brand/product or service
- Discover consumer trends related to you and your industry
- Listen to your competitors
- Listen to what people think of your competitors
After you join social media and launch your social marketing efforts, the listening continues and is followed by responding. You don’t attend a party and talk about yourself to the entire room or ignore people when they ask you a question. It’s the same with social media, it’s a conversation and you need to be listening and responding.
Once customers and prospects start to engage with you on social media platforms, they expect a prompt response. You should be responding within 24 hours (at the most) to feedback, whether it is a complaint or a compliment.
You will achieve social media success if you approach it like you would a personal relationship – it takes both listening and responding to make it work.